Cambodia Says

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Access and registration Cambodia Says

Answer surveys and get rewarded for it!

The means to participate are Email and entering the site.

From this page you can access and be a new member of our Cambodian Community.

We request:

  • An e-mail address. It will be your access identification.
  • You must create an exclusive password to access.
  • Indicate gender “feminine” or “masculine”.
  • And the postal code. If you eventually live in a rural area, without a zip code, you can use one of your locality.

How do I find my zip code in Cambodia on the Internet?

Access your postcode: Access Cambodia postal zip code

Access your postcode (2): Access Cambodia postal zip code

How much is the reward for answering online surveys in Cambodia?

According to the duration of a few seconds to minutes.

When you receive an invitation, you will find the duration and value that you will get when you complete 100%.